News paraski4europe

ParaSki4Europe: remember that impossible is nothing!

– On this competition we will see new rising stars, future Paralympians, and most of all we will see what is possible if you take our destiny in our hands and actively live our life. In our Paralympic world the dreams can come true, but it takes hard work and determination for achievement– with such a message all the participants of European Winter Para Sport Event, Poland 2020 were welcomed by Ratko Kovačic, the President of European Paralympic Committee.  

ParaSki4Europe – Gallery

The Opening Ceremony of ParaSki4Europe was held in a very good atmosphere despite strong wind and rain. Close to the Czarna Góra Mountain in Czarna Gora Resort there gathered athletes and team representatives from 15 European countries who came to Poland to participate in trainings, competition and educational programme. All of them were welcomed by Ratko Kovačic, the President of European Paralympic Committee.

For the first time in history we have here in beautiful Czarna Gora Resort young athletes in winter sports from all of the Europe. On this competition we will see new rising stars, future Paralympians, and most of all we will see what is possible if you take our destiny in our hands and actively live our life. In our Paralympic world the dreams can come true, but it takes hard work and determination for achievement. It takes hard work and determination to organize such an event as well. So let me thank to Polish Paralympic Committee to be the host of the event and make a part of our dream true, the dream where all children or persons with impairment have right and possibility to be engaged in sport.


To Czarna Góra Ski Resort and Duszniki Zdrój Cross Country Center there came about 300 participants, including almost 150 para athletes of different ages and sport levels, coming from 15 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czeck Republic, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia and Sweden). More than 90 athletes come from Poland. Łukasz Szeliga, the President of Polish Paralympic Committee was very happy as for him promoting parawinter sports has been important for years. Łukasz Szeliga is a Paralympian, participated in Paralympic Games in Salt Lake City, Torino and Vancouver, was an athlete who is very keen on winter sports and has always dreamt of promoting them among people with disabilities. ParaSki4Europe is an event concentrated on promoting winter sports and enhancing all people to pick up sport despite any limitations.

– I am very glad ParaSki4Europe is organized in Poland. It’s a very big moment for Polish paralympic movement. I hope that many athletes who are here and start their sports adventure and in future will become paralympians and medalists of the Paralympics Games. I believe that the international exchange of coaching experiences will make Europe even stronger in Paralympic Winter Sports and we will also have more and more new countries interested in winter sports.

European Winter Para Sport Event, Poland 2020 was organized with the Honorary Patronage of the President of Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda who send a letter to all participants of the event. The President of Poland commended  the work of the Polish Paralympic Committee and effort  in organizing such an important event. He also hoped it would strengthen co-operation among the European Paralympic organizations.


Sport strongly connects people – for each athlete sporting rivalry means also struggling with themselves, with their limitations and everything that could stop them from attaining victory. That very effort in reaching perfection and overcoming, even most difficult of challenges, unites the athletes, creates strong bonds of respect and friendship. Also we, your fans appreciate greatly your devotion, passion and involvement.What should be especially admired is the effort of Paralympians and all athletes practicing parasport. Your results, successes and your attitude to life are extremely impressive indeed. You give testimony to the strength of your character, the steadfastness of your spirit and your body, to the notion that, as Paralympic champions say –the impossible does not exist “. This is a wonderful lesson and an immense inspiration to all of us.  

The organizing committee of ParaSki4Europe also received letters of congratulations from Andrzej Kraśnicki, the President of Polish Olympic Committee and Marlena Maląg, Minister of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. During the Opening Ceremony there were also present mayors of the region, Dariusz Chromiec Mayor of Stronie Śląskie and Piotr Lewandowski Mayor of Duszniki-Zdrój. Together they welcomed the participants of the event and said the crucial words: ParaSki4Europe is opened. During the ceremony people could also see the performance of folk traditional group “Siekiereczki”.

ParaSki4Europe will last until 1st of March. European Winter Para Sports Event, Poland 2020 is co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme. Erasmus+Sport “Not-for-profit European Sport events “programme has, with very specific aims, to support volunteering in sport; social inclusion through sport; gender equality in sport and health-enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA). The event is also financed by Ministry of Sport and PKN Orlen, Sponsor of the Event.

The Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda.

 European Winter Para Sports Event, Poland 2020 have the media patronage of TVP Sport, TVP3 Wrocław and niepelnosprawni.pl website.



#czarnagoraresort #tuzaczynasieprzygoda #zimanaCzarnej

Photo: Adrian Stykowski/Polish Paralympic Committe

 More information at www.paralympic.org.pl ParaSki4Europe and

